The clubs that are provided for kids are stunning! They are exclusive to each age group and have distinct features to all of them!

Small World Nursery- The Small World Nursery is a nursery for babies. You can drop your child off in the morning and have an exciting day at the pool or visiting other activities!

Oceaneers Lab- The Oceaneers Lab is a club for kids ages 4-12. They have many activities including a dance floor!  They hold many activities for the kids and is a great place to spend the day. 

Edge- Edge is the exclusive club for kids ages 11-13. Edge has a dance floor, a green screen, a wii, and an xbox. Edge hosts many fun activities such as, dodgeball, a dance party, and a flash mob. On the first night of the cruise, they play a get-to-know-you game. Although Edge is the smallest of the three clubs, it's still a great place to make new friends.

Vibe- Vibe is the exclusive club for teens ages 14-17. Vibe is huge! This club has it's own "bar" where you can get soft drinks and snacks, a foosball table, an exclusive hot tub, and video game consoles. 

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